
On and on

Ray and Seven



1 Year
05-28-2020, 09:36 PM

So Seven couldn't speak well? A small trade-off for a wolf so willing to obey. Rayios followed them to the clearing in the woods, all the while watching the behavior of Seven and how Borias treated him. He didn't even need to say anything to the slave; he followed without word.

When they all made it to the clearing, the male took off without hesitation or complaint. Rayios sat down, looking at the thicket of trees and undergrowth he'd last seen Seven. As he watched in thought, the boy decided to talk to Borias more. “You seem to have this whole slave training thing under the bag. If I.... helped you take care of them, or train them, would I eventually be able to get one myself?” now he looks to Borias. He didn't much like the idea of doing anything for someone, but if it meant he'd get to try his hand at seeing how it feels to be a master then he'd give it a shot.

When Seven returned, he brought back a fat rabbit and placed it at Ray's feet. Normally, if anybody came to him boasting about catching a rabbit (which, he doesn't know why anyone would), he'd give them a wad of sarcasm and tell them to fuck off. But a rabbit would be all the rogue needed if he was too injured to hunt for himself, or too tired. He didn't need a whole buffalo. “That's a good job.” he says to Seven, the smallest hint of appraisal hidden in his tone. “Well, I'm sold. Teach me how to be a slavemaster, and I'll help you out.” words spoken to Borias. It is perhaps a risky trade to offer. God only knows what the young teen is getting himself into. But he is looking for fun in a world cruel and harsh to those who live alone. He wants to do more than survive. He wants to have fun.

There were a LOT of distractions I couldn't let go ignored, so sorry if the first two paragraphs eem choppy or repetitive.
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