
Set Fire in My Brain



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
05-29-2020, 12:26 AM
being vague about the aftermath of his thread with sirius testing his abilities

Although he was rather enjoying the peace and quiet of walking alone, he wouldn't have minded company. He only knew Sirius and one of his children, Mortis. He'd seen others at the meeting, three other kids maybe? What a handful. He thought, although he never turned the idea of kids down himself. He'd never tried to settle down and start his own family, but the thought was always there in the back of his mind. It would probably have to stay there, too, unless someone out there liked snakes for a husband. Smirking at the thought, he wondered what others thought of him, though he hardly cared. If only he could read minds; it'd make everything a whole lot easier.

The womans raspy voice didn't startle him, but he wasn't exactly expecting it either. He glanced at her when she came up beside him and introduced herself, but didn't slow his pace any and kept moving alongside her. "Magnus. Figured I'd be better off familiarizing the land before much else." His steps fell in time with hers, though it wasn't hard for him to keep up by any means. She mentioned the other territory, where he'd met Mortis and failed at fishing before him, and he nodded slightly. At least he knew the places names now, but it seemed pretty obvious. He probably could have guessed if he thought about it.

"The exercise is what I crave; killing two birds with one stone." He smirked and kept his eyes ahead of him even as she continued and questioned his place in this pack. Sirius had already tested his abilities the morning after he arrived, but he wasn't against showing anyone else if they wanted a go. "I can fight." He assumed by the womans size and obvious scarring that she fell within the same skill set, and maybe that was why she had followed him out here.
