
Set Fire in My Brain



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-29-2020, 12:44 AM
The Reaper ceremony was over with. Malalia had been chosen. Though she was proud of the girl, she couldn't agree with Sirius' decision. If he and his mate left the pack for a time, the fate of their land was to be left in the paws of a child? Resin hasn't entered the competition. She was getting too old for such things. Plus healing from the broken bones of a bear attack still left her quite sore at times. Really, she should have entered. Then she would have been absolutely sure that her family would be well protected. Too little, too late. What she could do was continue to train the fighters in the pack. Turn them into warriors. That was where Magnus came in

The man admitted that he was a fighter and Resin nodded. "I assumed as much. It's my duty within the pack to see to it that everyone has proper battle training. Proper armor and weapons as well if that's your desire." Armor wasn't for everyone. It hadn't been something that she had desired until recently. "I don't need to tell you how a pack works, but this one is different." Lifting heavy forelegs, the grey dame dove expertly over a felled tree. "All would give their lives fighting for a single wolf. We're a cohesive unit and we need to remain as such." Yeah... she was almost always this serious.

"Do you have any questions?" She would be honest with him. It was good to have a wolf with more years under his paws. She was surrounded by younglings, but Magnus couldn't have been much younger than she was. He was certainly older than most.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]