
lady lady lovely



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-30-2020, 04:16 AM

All night. Over and over and over the pair made love to one another. There even came a time when Iolaire felt as though she couldn't handle any more, but... they kept going. It was exquisite. Though they'd been sleeping together the entire time they'd known one another, there was something different in it now. A new intent of sorts. Now that vows had been spoken and promises had been made between them, things felt a little different. It was no longer some fling that they could back out of. Now it was a commitment. They were together, for better or worse.

-Time skip-

It was the whistling of the wind outside of the cave that pulled Iolaire from her well earned slumber. One golden eye, rimmed in green, peeled open and she glanced at the doorway. The light of mid-day was filtering through as the wind jostled the skin over the door. Still partially lodged beneath her husband, Iolaire gently worked her way free, careful not to wake him. Once released of his sleepy grasp, the small woman stretched and yawned. She felt all of the aches and pains in her body, but they were well worth it.

Moving to the skin, she slipped outside, relieved herself away from the mouth of the cave, then settled down on her stomach in the snow. They'd heated up the cave significantly and so the chilliness of the snow was a welcome change. The whistling breeze ruffled her fur and Io closed her eyes, inhaling the crisp mountain air. She wasn't ready to go back yet, but they would need to eventually. She was still training healers to take her place while they traveled, but they weren't quite ready yet. Just her luck, someone would break a leg while she was away. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.