
Of a different Breed


08-28-2013, 01:12 AM

The curiosity that she showed was quite enthralling, and she she spoke questions of his future plans he became happy to indulge. He came from a unique existence and he was glad to explain his past. He was becoming incredibly comfortable around the she wolf, though he had little to worry about. He knew of her distrust towards him. She kept her distance, that was certain, but he had no intentions of ill will.
He hoped that she could relax in his presence after his woven tale, Let me spin you a tale of not so very long ago. My people vere scarce, surely on the edge of extinction. Vhen the humans disappeared Amur Leopards from all over the vorld began to congregate. Ve had to vork together to save our species. He paused thinking back to the days when he lived next to his growing family. So many cats in one place, now that they had partially regained their numbers they had once again.
My father rose to the challenge of leading such solitary creatures, but it vas obvious he vould not have trouble making us feel like a family. His face grew sad as the thoughts of his beloved father danced through his mind, Vhen my father died I decided I would be like him, and create a family of my own. Another Kingdom he vould be proud of. A glimmer of hope shone in his emerald eyes, soon he would attain his dream.
