
You've Gotta Be Kitten Me




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-30-2020, 10:32 PM

The kicks and squirms of the deer slowed as the blood leaked from its body. Eventually, it stilled, brown eyes going glassy with lifelessness. Releasing her hold, Resin gave her jaw a wiggle, the joints a little sore from biting so hard. She looked over to Malalia, checking for injuries. There hadn't been time to see if the girl was out of the way before she and the deer went crashing to the ground. Seeing that her companion was whole, the grey woman collapsed onto the grassy earth, panting to catch her breath. Hunting was definitely a workout, especially so soon after her own injuries from the cave bear. She still felt pain in her ribs and foreleg, both of which had been shattered.

Behind the woman, her tail gave a thump of pleasure in the grass. They had managed to bring down the buck. It was a big one too. "Are you alright?" She asked anyway. Just because Malalia hadn't been crushed didn't mean that there wasn't some unseen injury. Now that her breath was caught, Resin sat up, giving her thick pelt a shake. Though they would take most of the deer back to the Armada, the pair had earned the right to eat their fill.

Moving back to the kill, Resin settled upon her stomach at the deer's spine where she would tear into one haunch with her teeth, splitting the furred flesh to reveal the rich meat beneath. Pulling off a strip of still hot meat, she would chew and swallow. When she was going in for a second bite, a grating roar from behind pulled her attention away. Stalking into the gully was a lioness. She looked young, but was quite large. Casting her golden gaze towards Malalia, Resin spoke. "Be on guard. Hopefully we can run her off." Resin didn't kill unless it was necessary. It would be difficult to kill a cat this large with just the pair of them, but they could definitely make it flee.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]