
You've Gotta Be Kitten Me



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-30-2020, 11:04 PM

"All good here," she panted, smiling through her breaths. If anything, she received more licks from the brambles they'd crawled through, tiny scratches peppering the less furred parts of her body. She might have copped a few bruises from the buck failing its forelegs around, but it wasn't anything major, not by a long shot. They'd probably hurt more once she came down off the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

While Resin settled down to eat her share, Mal planted her paws down, and leaned back in a satisfying stretch. Though there was a chill in the air, winter hadn't yet gripped this place, and as her gaze swung lazily around, she saw that the gulley was rife with undergrowth and plant life in various stages of growth and decay. It was interesting, getting to see different parts of Boreas. She didn't get out as often as she wanted to, as much time as she set aside for training, but these excursions with Resin had been pretty nice.

Minus getting attacked by some strange, clueless bear creature, though to be fair that had been an adventure in itself. She snorted faintly, turning to Resin with a comment about the creature, when a roar turned her ears instead. Malalia twisted around, hackles rising, to see a lioness in the distance, stalking towards them.

The girl had never seen a lion, though she'd heard many tales about them. This female didn't look too much different from a mountain lion to her -- with the exception of being lighter in color, and of course, much bigger. She tensed as she lowered herself, ears twitching at Resin's instructions. "Hopefully so," she returned. She'd never even fought a lion, and Cairo's tales had been as exciting as much as terrifying. Still, she took a single step forward, bristling to make herself look bigger. A bubbling growl erupted from her throat, growing into a loud, rumbling snarl of warning, a clear threat.

The lioness answered by loping steadily towards them, slowly gaining speed.
