
You've Gotta Be Kitten Me



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-31-2020, 12:32 AM

The girl kept her snarl steady, emboldened when the one-eyed woman joined her side and added to the chorus. The pair were formidable, and had it been a mountain lion, Mal was fairly certain that it would have slunk away. One wolf was easy enough for a big cat to face down, but two? Not worth the trouble. Unless of course, you were this particular she-cat. Rearing at the sight of them, the lioness weighed her options for only the briefest of moments before continuing its advance, having decided that the buck was hers and that the she-wolves were mere obstacles to that fact.

If it were possible, Mal's snarl increased in volume, but she hesitated, looking for an angle. It was no good throwing her life away by attacking the lioness head-on, not with her stature, and yet Resin blasted forward. She couldn't very well leave her to face it alone.

The gray woman had only taken a few steps before Malalia followed suit, curving around to the right. The lioness caught her eyes for a moment, only to be distracted by Resin's snarling, right in its face. Mal took this chance to dart inward, rushing the cat from the side. Her teeth caught the lioness on its ribs in a glancing blow. But quickly, much quicker than she'd expected, the beast twisted its front side to swipe at Mal's haunches. She grunted, biting down the scream of pain that welled in her throat as the flesh opened up on her left thigh. The worst thing she could do was run, to show the cat she was afraid.

At least the swipe was sufficiently distracting, though. She was betting that Resin could get in a few good blows while it turned to scratch at her. In the meantime, the girl would settle behind the she-cat. Perhaps if they fought it from both ends, it would be too overwhelmed to beat them. She could only hope.
