
You've Gotta Be Kitten Me



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-31-2020, 02:33 AM

Malalia was pelting right alongside Resin, a ripple of snarks and barks ripping out of her throat as they made sure that the cat had left the gulley for good. Once the bobbing tail had left their sight, she growled lowly where she stood. Her guard hairs were alight all over her back, as if she were still in the midsts of the fight. But the once-roaring predator, who'd squealed like a housecat, was gone. Mal snorted with satisfaction, and raised her muzzle. "Yeah, and stay out!" The call, admittedly was less humorous than she'd intended, and a little more... wheezy, as she struggled to catch her breath. The girl sank forward, onto her knees, with a shaking exhale for the effort. "Oh thank the gods that's over."

Not that she was particularly religious. And hey, was the world spinning...?

The girl took a few moments to gather her bearings, when the she-wolf's sniffing sent her flinching, yanking her leg closer to her body, and subsequently earning a hiss of pain for the effort. Oof, she was starting to feel that a little more. Fresh blood began to trickle from the movement, and she licked at it idly before Resin's question finally registered in her head. "Ah... I think so?" She certainly hoped so. She didn't want to stay here if there were other lions lurking about.

Malalia rose to her paws, took a few steps forward, and ... it hurt, but it was bearable. She winced, but waved her tail encouragingly at Resin. "I'm okay. I can manage..." She might have to limp, but she was sure she could make her way back. Mal tilted her head, eyeing the claw marks on Resin's own shoulder. "Er... are you okay? I should probably patch both of us up while we're out here..."

In lieu of an actual pack, she'd taken to stuffing her bracelet with dried herbs folded into doeskin cloths, and had a little bottle of honey tied to it. What she wouldn't give for a proper kit right around now, but at least it would hold them over.
