
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
08-28-2013, 10:47 AM

The biggest pile of sand on the beach was Odette's now. No one could take it from her without a fight they would regret! She saw herself fighting off crabs and starfish, growling and readying herself to pounce on unsuspecting crustaceans. Being the Queen of her own kingdom wasn't all glamour and looks, after all! With all of that in mind, she began to scout around the base of her pile, making sure no one would just come up and take claim to it.
As she rounded the other side of the wide base, she was met with a mighty sight. The tallest, darkest male she had ever seen arose from the ground, standing as tall as any tree she had seen in her short life. She rose her head to look at him, arching her neck so it wouldn't hurt as she tried to take in his full effect. After a few short seconds of taking him in, her small tail began to wag effortlessly and she walked towards him with her puppy curiosity. Others would have thought about it before doing it, but in her stage of life, Odette didn't.
He asked her a question that made her little ears perk even more. 'What are you conquering?' Odette's head quirked to the side, bi-colored eyes blinking as she strained to look up at him. It was then that she remembered her pile of sand! How could the Queen leave the kingdom defenseless?! She lowered her head and then sharply turned to pad back to her claimed piece of beach. "My new kingdom!" She exclaimed, answering his question over her shoulder. Her puppy voice was high enough to be heard over the beach's sound effects.
She stubbornly reclaimed the place she had left off while she patrolled and looked back up at Basilisk. With her eyes, she sized him up and said, "You look like strong. Want to be my knight?" Such an innocent question, yet it held meaning for the pup. Odette quietly waited, tail still wagging behind her as she wondered what his response would be.



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