
teeth and claws


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-31-2020, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2020, 01:09 PM by Malalia.)

'Just fighting, really' was well and good. In her own pack, ranks had been rather singular: you were either a healer, or a warrior, or what have you, with no official rank for something in between. At least not entirely. Honestly, she hadn't even considered multiple pursuits until Sirius had mentioned it himself, and then had only gone for it because of the scarce lessons her aunt had instilled in her when she was still young. Malalia would be firmly in the warrior track if her interest in healing hadn't pulled her in two different directions, seemingly opposite of each other.

Her ears flickered, faintly amused at Magnus' story, and not at all surprised. The giant was always out looking for new recruits, and was rather successful in that lane. Recently, they'd been on the younger side, what with Skyfire and Dunkan and herself having joined the ranks last reason. "Pretty much the same," she answered. "Minus the panther. Bumped into Sirius, and ended up here. I bedded down in the willows one night and ended up running into him the next morning. He took me in." Magnus had been there for the meeting, when Sirius had announced the adoption and her new name. Needless to say, the Warlord cared a great deal for his daughter, and she for him.

It was funny how a wayward step, a change in direction became the sole determiner of their fate. Just one encounter with the man, it seemed, and you were headed straight for the Ashen Armada. Mal had been an inch away from snapping up her dinner before it escaped her jaws. Had she caught it, she would've moved on from the area, rather than make her bed within the trailing woods.

"So did you just come out here for a nap on the beach, or...?" Her tone was casual, perhaps a shade teasing, the unasked question of a spar buried somewhere in there. Maybe he did come out to train alone today, but it wouldn't hurt to see what his plans were.
