
Wounded Pride and an Empty Stomach



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-01-2020, 06:45 PM

Askan wasn't in the mood for company but it seemed as though the world didn't give two shits about what he wanted. His ears flicked back, eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of the stranger. Against all the snow what a sight she was. She was a little too white for his liking and it made him want to squint, not that he already wasn't. And what was with those purple markings around her eyes? They might have been pretty but Askan didn't have a taste for these sorts of things, and if anything it was a blatant reminder that yeah, he was really really far from home.

He probably should have followed suit and been polite in return but Askan very rarely did things the right way. Tucking his legs in a little tighter, he licked his lips, savouring the snide taste of his words upon his tongue.

"No, you're bothering me."

He would have said more if another, darker figure, hadn't entered the fray. It was then he realised that he'd inadvertently cornered himself against a tree. His gaze flicked between the two, back and forth between light and dark. The newcomer was far larger than Askan could ever dream of being, and to say that it didn't piss him off a little would be a lie. He conjured up a whole narrative in his mind, that uh-what was his name- Sirius was a brute, all brawn and no brain with thumping footsteps and a haughty attitude. It was completely unfair and uncalled for, of course, but Askan wasn't always a rational man. Least of all when he was hungry, tired and in the damn middle of nowhere. He was tempted to tell the man to stuff it, why'd he need to know his name anyway? Wasn't like he wasn't supposed to be here, right? Askan had a functioning nose, he'd caught the scent of a pack on the wind but he knew he wasn't stepping on anyone's paws in being there. If anything they were stomping all over his. Buuut it wasn't like he was ashamed of his name either. It was the only thing of merit he held onto these days, without it he would truly be no one, a nobody.

"Askan Selwyn" he said, as abrasive as ever."Why?"

He stood then, shaking off his coat a little as he-as causally as he could manage- took a step or two away to give himself some space. Or more of it rather; it wasn't as if they were really up in his grill, breathing down his neck. He was just being dramatic, just usual Askan things.
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