
In Repair


08-28-2013, 12:00 PM

The dark-furred pup, of whom Eria hadn't immediately taken notice of, rose and disappeared into the nearby greenery of the beach. An expression of pleasant confusion appeared in Eria's gaze, but she was too far off to have anyone see it. Instead, she watched the pup leave and let the wondering thought leave her mind as others began to settle in its place. The idea of having the male watch her made her think about what he was probably thinking...which would possibly lead to other thoughts that would end up being a huge bundle of complicated thoughts intertwined and knotted. No, Eria decided to make her mind go blank...But the effort wasn't enough, it seemed.
Her black and blue fur moved in the wind, causing some ripples through the thickness of it all. Eria's ocean blue eyes shimmered and she began to walk in the direction of the white male that had been observing her actions. As she got closer, she saw the details that stood out from his form. Perhaps he was older than her - or maybe the same age - how could you really tell when someone was three years old, too? All of the curious questions that floated in her mind were shushed when she finally reached proper speaking distance of the male. Eria hung her head low, indicating she meant no harm, as she shyly spoke first. "I..I suppose you saw what happened?" A warm smile broke across her lips as her blue eyes met his own mix-matched opts. "'Tis not every day that I am agile on my feet." A sense of humor, perhaps? Eria hoped that it showed.
