
give me love


08-28-2013, 12:27 PM

Where Cynrik was used to meeting other wolves with various personalities, Eria had yet to be in that place of life. She had seen two kinds of wolves so far: good and evil. If she hadn't had the attack of Rogues on her old pack, then she would have been far more sheltered than she was now. Come to think of it, the only one she had met that seemed to have a mixture of both was Gargoyle. He was a great leader, but there was something from his past that had evil and negativity written on it. Eria was only assuming, though. She hadn't talked to her alpha long enough to know the details that say, Ocena, would know about.
As she looked at Cynrik, she took in his personality and how he carried himself. Perhaps, this was a male who fit the 'good' category. After all, he had manners, knew how to flirt, and was rather open at speaking to a complete stranger. She enjoyed this as he playfully asked if anyone crazy would dismiss her. Eria laughed, obviously amused and she wagged her tail in alliance with her response. "Surely, the most obnoxious people who couldn't handle someone's personality such as mine." She smiled and eagerly stepped a few steps ahead of Cynrik, looking over her shoulder. "Shall we?" She coyly asked.
As the white male made his way to stand beside her, they began to walk the familiar path that led to the old Glaciem grounds. He spoke of Gargoyle wanting to consume him and his Prince at the last meeting, which made her snort in humor. "That must have been hilarious after awhile, Cynrik." She laughed again and continued to walk alongside him as they padded through the snow. "I bet that Gargoyle will not hesitate to welcome you the next time he sees you, then."
His inquiries of how she came to be at the place of Alacritis she called home were nice conversation starters. She thought about telling him of her past, for she hadn't told many people. However, because he had been open of how he was raised in the royal world of Seracia, she figured it would be all right if she revealed a bit of her past self. "I came from Alacritis just by pure coincidence. I've been on my own since I was a year old, but only because of dire circumstances beyond my control." Her eyes became misty as she continued with her story. "My pack was attacked by a band of Rogue wolves. They wiped out everyone who was a part of it, including my parents. Lucky for me, they were able to shut me out of the danger and I was the only survivor...I have been on the run ever since, hoping they won't find me." A sigh escaped Eria's lips and she looked up to the grand, icy wonderland that surrounded them. "If it wasn't for me running into Crusade, I would have never found such a wonderful place to call home. Wherever my pack goes, I intend to follow."
It was then that Eria looked back to Cynrik, meeting his gaze. "I do hope that I haven't bored you with my tale," she said in a genuine tone. "I don't tell many people about my heartbreaking past, only because I am afraid of how it may affect them...and it's not a light topic to cover." She offered a wane smile and then said, "But please...tell me. What is it like in Seracia?"
