
Wounded Pride and an Empty Stomach



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-02-2020, 09:10 AM

Askan was a little taken back by how well the lady had taken his snark. He'd expected some sort of response, after all not many people let his bad attitude just slide like that. She was the dignified, calm, and Askan didn't find it nearly as pretentious as he probably should. He wasn't looking to get under her skin of course, but the fact that he didn't regardless was a little jarring. Like watching a wolf walk on its hind legs. The two strangers exchanged polite conversation and that's when they lost him. It was clear they already knew one another and the fact that they were talking as though Askan wasn't there made him feel a little left out. He didn't want an explanation either though, he was jumping between annoyance and indifference, yet again much like a yearling who hadn't yet gotten their emotions under control.

The woman went to leave and Askan made no move to stop her. If she decided she was done here then fine, whatever. It wasn't like he was out to impress anyone-or at least that's what he thought, very loudly to drown out any doubts he might have.

Sirus on the other paw...Askan regarded the man with a long stare, his tail hanging loosely against his back leg, as he contemplated his offer. His stomach certainly found it tempting.He hadn't had a proper meal in a long while and if he kept this up his strength would soon start to wane, but it was also more than a little insulting too. Did he really look so feeble, so pathetic that he needed handouts?The man was being kind, there was no denying that but an insecure, distant voice in the back of Askan's mind told him that he was unworthy, that if he accepted the mans offer he'd never live it down.

Askan pursed his lips, his ears flicking back and forth. If there was a time to show some tact it'd be now.

"I'm fine."He grumbled, squinting off into the distance as if that helped his case. "What is this place anyway?"He then asked, flicking his tail in a wide, waving gesture, referring to the bigger picture and not just these slanted woods.

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