
Thunder Strikes




4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-02-2020, 12:03 PM

Her head tilted to the side as she peered between the pair, taking in the information the stallion provided as she committed it to memory. A howler monkey... Blue orbs looked at the paws of the creature, noting how it could grip items easily. Perhaps, collecting such creatures could be useful. "Interesting. It is nice to meet you, Idu." She would call, though a bit uncomfortable with the interaction, she was happy with the idea of obtaining one of her own soon. She had some ideas she would find helpful in her plans if she had the accessories she desired. A small smile pulled at the mare's lips when she heard the stallion's snort, finding the sound humorous. Monkey man it is then..

All humor was striped from the air however when he began to speak of his new found companions; wolves. Her joy dropped from her features, and was replaced by a stone cold expression as she silent listened. So the rumors were true after all... a stallion living among wolves. Kamilah could not ignore the dreaded feeling that swelling in her abdomen, nor could she fight the urge to frown deeply as he continued to express the benefits of living with predators. "The protection of a predator... against other predators... seems a bit of a paradox, don't you think?" She would calmly ponder, taking a few steps forward, seemingly uninterested but indeed she wanted to inspect the stallion for wounds.

"While I'm sure you've done what you needed to... to survive... is it really what you desire?" Another cautious step forward, attempting to reach his side so she could inspect his frame, looking for signs of abuse. In the mare's mind, there was no universe where a beast could befriend a prey animal, an equine living with wolves... it was unnatural. Blue orbs flickered up to the male, trying to seek out a truth that supported her beliefs. "If you wanted to leave.. if you wanted to build your herd.. would they let you?"

Balian. A foreign name to her tongue, but one she would commit to memory happily. Like Taliesyn, he would be close to her, she would consider him a member of her herd, a friend, in a strange new world that she was desperate to understand and control. Attempting to turn and come up to the stallion's side, the roan woman would look up to the stallion with a deep sigh. "What if there were others, like us? Would you want to leave? Join us, Balian?" Her questions were meant to cause hope in the stallion's heart, caged though it might be. The mare would want nothing more than to free Balian, but it had to be his choice as much as hers... for now. "My name is Kamilah, and I want you to join us. Join me."


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.