
The Start Of A New Beginning


08-28-2013, 01:08 PM

Seraphine stood there in silence, waiting, wondering what kind of story the man would tell her. Mismatched eyes would watch as he took a seat, doing the same, head tilting to the side. Ears perked up as he began, paying close attention. The man began telling her he came from a pack that was far from here, training to be a soldier under someone named Angeal. When he turned a year old Angeal disappeared and not long after his pack was attacked. Her ears dropped when he said his pack was slaughtered, but would pick back up when he went on to say they fought as hard as they could, even if the enemy kept coming.

When he finished the girl would push herself back up, a small smile on her lips. She would take a step towards him, hesitant, but she would gently press her nose to his scar before looking up at him. "I'm sorry that happened to you, to your friends, your family.... but..." She would take a step back, her gaze dropping to his silver things for a moment then going back up to meet his gaze. "You are silly for thinking those are reminders of your failures. You fought hard beside your comrades, kept trying even if there were a lot of enemies, tried leading the bad guys away." She took a few steps back before sitting back down. "I can help look for your friends, I live in a big pack, I could ask them to see if they find them when they go out hunting."

She wanted to help him, see if she could bring his friends together. Maybe it would make this man happy.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3