
Taking it easy


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
06-02-2020, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2020, 04:15 PM by Cairo II.)

He’d admittedly been doodling in the furs, swiping the hairs against the grain and drawing designs the opposite way. Granted, he had to use his nose. With broken legs on one side, he was essentially laid out on his good side to avoid putting pressure on the broken legs.

He wondered if there was any way he could procure some pig-skin parchment and ink, with a stick to scribe with. While writing and marks weren’t that new, Aurielle had begun working out an alphabet, and he’d had a few weeks to learn the symbols and runes before he’d made a fateful decision to go to the temple. It was a way to pass the time and practice his scribe-work, without risking self-injury.

He ignored the healer for the most part unless she was directly treating him. He didn’t wish to pry into her personal life.

He had set it firmly in his head that he wouldn’t take anything he learned from observations here home. Aurielle wouldn’t expect it of him, and she wouldn’t use such an underpawed method to gain information on other packs. He was one of the few who knew the Shadow Circle’s true purpose, since, as a wolf training to become Sentinel, that was part of the pack he would need to know of. He was not part of that Circle, but he would be taking reports from them come the time they actually had members in that Circle.

He studied the vague rune in the fur, then swiped his face over it, clearing the fur of all mark before his head lifted at the knock. He gave a dry smile as Sirius showed himself. The Warlord poked his nose in from time to time, though this was the first time he’d offered to take the young Valhallan beyond the walls of the cottage.

Cairo digested the offer, contemplating the possible meanings behind it. It was a huge gesture to give a foreigner a chance to see the interior of one’s territory. Whether it was meant as a sort of offer of trust, or that he’d be sworn upon his life to never speak of what he saw there remained to be seen, but Cai had to admit, the Warlord was right.

He hadn’t complained even once since his waking, taking any medication and treatment from Iolaire as they came, dutifully pleasant and contrite.

Cairo grinned ruefully up – way up – at Sirius, chuckling carefully, “I’m alright. Healing takes time, but I’m happy to make Iolaire’s job easier on her. But… I’ll accept that offer.”

He shifted carefully to one elbow on his good side, one ear tilting back to analyze his condition. It took some doing, but eventually he was sitting upright for possibly the first time since he’d woken up from the knock on the head. His back leg was thrust ridiculously out to one side in its splint and in front of him, but he was visibly pleased with the results of his effort. He’d need help otherwise, but it was good to move a bit.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think