
Wounded Pride and an Empty Stomach



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-02-2020, 04:36 PM

Regardless of what Sirius said Askan intended to stand his ground but he was quietly relieved that the Warlord left it at that. There was nothing else to be said so they moved on and Askan couldn't help but respect him for that. He still couldn't claim to be the dark wolf's number one fan but maybe, just maybe he'd been a bit testy in his initial assumptions. The Warlord began to explain and Askan's ears flicked forward as his tail hung a little looser as he focused on what was being said. It was a whole lot of information to take in at once but the Selwyn was quick to pick apart the man's speech. None of the locations or packs rang any bells but that was exactly what he'd been hoping for, this was his fresh start and if anywhere sounded even vaguely familiar he would have turned tail and left.

And then Sirius  went onto introduce himself as the leader of The Ashen Armada and yeah... it made sense. But if the Warlord thought that changed anything then he was well mistaken, Askan wasn't gonna roll over and flash his belly, or lick at his chin. Sure, he'd concluded that Sirius probably wasn't someone to hate but he wasn't someone the Selwyn regarded as a friend either. Before Askan could work himself up into a huff the man continued on and made a rather natural assumption. It was pretty obvious, wasn't it? Askan was more or less flapping around like a fish out of water, aimless and lost but stubbornly intent on staying that way. He hadn't left his birth pack to just jump headfirst into another, he wanted- he didn't know what but he wasn't ready to be smushed down beneath another wolf's paw yet.

"Yeah." He admitted, his brows smushed together. He knew it was very unlikely but a niggling voice in the back of his mind insisted that made sure that... Hmph. "Have you heard of The Arcadian Emirate?" He tried and failed to phrase it as a casual question, but his words were a little to heavy for that and his voice a little too terse.

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