
Wounded Pride and an Empty Stomach



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-02-2020, 05:25 PM

Askan's hackles bristled, defensive, like a pup who'd been caught stealing from a cache. His knee jerk reaction was to deny it with a snap of his jaws but he bit down the urge and ground his teeth together. They wouldn't stay sharp if he made that into a habit. And then he deflated as the air rushed from his lungs in a long sigh. Once again he had backed himself into another corner, the sort he was awfully uncomfortable with. More than ever it was blatantly clear he wasn't good at this socialising milarky, he'd be better off as a recluse probably. Or so he liked to think.

"I guess." And that's all he was gonna say on the matter. Home was a touchy topic for him, that much was clear.

With a roll of his shoulders, Askan shrugged, as it to say 'sure, whatever.' He didn't want to admit that he was cold but he didn't see the harm in walking a little further today either. Falling into step behind the Warlord, Askan found himself scowling once again. What did Sirius' want? Askan doubted the man was trying to fill his social quota, so he couldn't help but suspect that the had a hidden agenda, that he was trying to sneak past Askan's thorny defences. Earlier he'd offered sanctuary and some food to fill his rumbling stomach but surely he didn't think a walk and a talk would make him change his mind. Askan really didn't come across as that obtuse, right? The thought was insulting and the corners of his lips twitched into a sneer, if the Warlord wanted to be rude then Askan was more than willing to give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe he wasn't as okay as Askan had thought.

"What about you? That desperate for recruits you have to wander this far from home?" It was a petty little dig, but Askan sure felt better saying it aloud.
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