
Graceful Rooms of Alabaster Stone



5 Years
Extra large
08-28-2013, 01:09 PM

He knew the gravity of the words that were falling from his lips. It had to be a big deal that a complete stranger was willing to give back the lands that belonged to another complete stranger. Taurig was sure this kind of thing didn't happen very often, or at all really given the reaction he was getting from the boy. Cross' emerald gaze searched his own icy one, trying to find some kind of hint that he was lying, but clearly there was none. The knight meant every word that he said. It means more than you think. But this, the Snowfalls and the mountain range beyond, this was my home. Glaciem is just a word now. A simple nod was given to the words, gaze following the youth's. This land here was his home, not the sparse pines where the new Glaciem lied. Maybe one day he would be able to come back here and live with his family again. Only time would tell.

Though Cross appeared to be a rather stoic young man, he still wasn't old enough to be beyond curiosity and he could feel it radiating off him as he turned away from the landscape to face him once more. Might I ask ? What sort of wolf is your father? This was always a rather difficult question to answer. father is a very selfish man, from what I've seen of him at least. You see I never knew my father, until about a season ago when he came to fetch me from my birth pack to bring me back here. He's not a bad King. Our members are treated very well, it's just the reasons that he allows them to join our ranks don't exactly sit well with me. But he is my father. There's not much changing him about his ways.

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