
Bottle it up



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-02-2020, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2020, 07:37 PM by Askan.)
Askan regarded the meandering river with a glower, his ears flicked back as his tail lashed with frustration. He wanted to cross, to see what was on the other side but he wasn't sure how thick the ice was, whether it'd be able to support his heft. Even in the best conditions Askan wasn't a very good swimmer, and he knew that wolves who fell into freezing water rarely escaped unharmed. It just didn't seem worth the risk but the idea of turning around and finding another route seemed awfully cowardly. Like he'd let a damn river get the best of him.

With a huff and a puff he paced back and forward, stomping parallel as he wracked his brain. He'd found a narrow section of the river, so he didn't have far to go but even then it would take him more than a few steps to get to the other side. It seemed risky, but his ego shoved logic aside once again as determination roared through his system. He was gonna cross he just had it. Easy. Stepping forward, Askan warily placed his paw out onto the ice, only to recoil as the cold bit at his pads.

"Come on!" He hissed under his breath, slapping his paw back down with far more force than was necessary.

He took one step, then another and another till he was about a quarter of the way across. Slow and steady, with hesitant shuffly steps he moved on, gaining confidence till he was almost walking normally. He was getting cocky, his footfalls fast and thumpy - And then, well you can guess what happens next. His heart sunk in his chest, his ears flicked back in alarm as the crick-cracking of ice hissed beneath his paws. Oh shit, was all he could think.

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