
Taking it easy


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
06-03-2020, 08:52 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 08:53 AM by Cairo II.)

As much as Cairo cared for Lia, he was still young enough to not realize that the level of care went just beyond the usual bounds of friendship. It was the kind of bond that could be strengthened with time. With the current case, Lia was a yearling, and Cairo had been well taught not to even consider one so young. It hadn’t even occurred to him, yet, what possibilities there were there. He was more focused on getting to his goal in life.

His actual thoughts were innocently proud of the girl’s achievements. Perhaps it would prove too much, too soon for the girl, but she was as determined as her young wolverine friend, and he had no doubt that she’d battle through the adversities she’d encounter in her life and come out stronger than ever. No matter who you were, from the highest born prince to the most common of wolf, hardship of one sort or another would be encountered.

“I’m proud of her. Even when she finds something she hasn’t learned, she buckles down and learns it without pouting about what she doesn’t know. I hope she pursues her healing training as well. She’s mature for her age. I’ve no doubt she’ll master life, whatever paths she follows in it. If she’s allowed to spread her wings and fly, she’ll be formidable.”

He paused, thoughtfully, mind hanging on the notion of healing. He wanted to be of some use while he was laid up. “Is there any way I could be used as a training opportunity for the Armadan healers? For healing severe wounds and breaks? It’s not like I can hunt for my board, or fight right now, but I can’t abide not being useful in some manner until I'm well enough to get out of your fur.”

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