
Bottle it up



3 Years
Sylvia 1
06-03-2020, 12:16 PM
Was it cruel to be enjoying this as much as she was? Perhaps, but when in all the seasons Raelyn had lived, did she care? If it brought her entertainment, food, or survival, who cared? True, her usual entertainment with a male included something a little... warmer, but the female couldn't deny the special connection she was making with this stranger. If she could have it, she would spend her whole life time occasionally tracking down the distasteful creature and repeating this transaction. I'm sure he would adore that idea... she mused to herself, disregarding his grumpy attitude and instead finding it extremely interesting that he would not look her way. Perhaps he was hiding a blush? In her youth, males who had interest in her occasionally showed their affection by lashing out, their grumpy nature directed at her but in the end, was an internal struggle with themselves. If this was to be the case with Cold Feet, it would cause the woman's ego to inflate ten fold.

But just as she was about to taunt him on the matter, the male's golden orbs glanced her way, making her pause. She could see the wheels turning behind those gold coins, and the winter fae was interested in seeing just what the male was going to come up with. Much to Raelyn's surprised, Cold Feet lashed out once again, even daring to close the distance between them, if just to the edge of the ice. It was enough to make the female think twice about taunting him further... for now. "Just a formality, really. Normally wolves exchange names after a shared near-death experience, but if that's not your cup of tea, Cold Feet it is." She shrugged, not too keen on having the brute step on her ice. While Raelyn was a slim female, their combined weight would surely be too much for the ice, and the icy water below was just dying for the chance to suck her under once more. Calmly, the female would offer a small smile, "My name is Raelyn, for future reference." She would purr, straightening herself as she peered over the male.

He was a handsome creature for sure, but that sour attitude would surely hinder him from making any meaningful connections, that much Raelyn knew. Normally, nasty brutes would not be of any particular interest to the female, but the amusement was undeniable. Perhaps weeks without entertainment had changed her palette... "I've wandered these lands alone for some time, I guess I simply craved a conversation. You happened to be in trouble, seemed like a fair trade." She explained, though she lacked a reason why she needed to. She never explained herself to anyone she didn't want something from. But what could this male possible offer her? "However, if I had known how mal-tempered you were, perhaps I should have kept walking." She would grin, cocking a single brow at the male. Okay, perhaps she did want at least one more rise out of the brute before she left.
