
In Repair


08-28-2013, 02:14 PM

He wasn't exactly sure what his daughter was up to, but he figured it was going to be something entertaining. The young thing always had something mischievous up her little paws. He turned his attention away from his disappeared daughter, allowing his mismatched gaze to fall across the ebony woman's figure, watching quietly as she began to approach, cautious to keep her head low as a sign that she meant no harm. Demonio rose from his position in the sand, taking a moment to shake his coat free of sand before seating himself before the woman, powerful haunches folding beneath the ivory man. I..I suppose you saw what happened? 'Tis not every day that I am agile on my feet. Indeed he had seen the whole thing and it had been quite entertaining to say the least. It wasn't every day that he was able to see a full grown wolf just let loose and act like a pup.

Indeed I did and what a show it was. I haven't seen many wolves able to move with that kind of agility like yourself. My name is Demonio and the young one you saw run off was my daughter Seraphine. It's a pleasure to meet you. His own warm smile curled his pale lips as he gaze at the darker woman, keeping one ear in the direction his daughter had gone off to, knowing she would do whatever she'd been planning any moment now.

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