
Little Bit of This. Little Bit of That.



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-03-2020, 11:22 PM
Eraithus was happy to hear she had a brother who liked the same things as she did. It was important to get along with family and he missed that for sure. He felt lost without his brother and sister. At home he had his dads, his moms, the entire pack to interact with and to help him flourish. He did agree that he probably should find a pack for protection but his pride, his horrible pride had been keeping him from doing that. His goal was to spread his gene's far and wide - not that this child would understand that at this age. Though he did suppose she understood mates if her parents were still together. "I debated joining a pack, but my want for freedom tends to win out. I don't like being told how to live and my cultural habits are a lot different and not acceptable to a lot of the local packs around." he told her as he smiled.

"That sounds like an amazing goal to have Aslatiel. I want a big family, to settle down with a few wives and husbands and just raise little ones. Of course being a warrior along the way. I'm just not ambitious enough to want to be a leader. See young one I'm polyamorous which means I believe in marriage between more than one other wolf. My father had two wives and a husband." Eraithus had never been picky on gender either. Though procreation had been the main goal. Perhaps it was just their odd colors to be spread out he didn't know but a family sounded nice. Hanging out with Aslatiel also strengthened that ideal - a family sounded nice right about now.