
Rain Dance



08-30-2013, 02:11 PM
Steady drumming of tiny paws moved across the north. A determined gaze lit the two tone eyes of the hunter. A heavy cold rain pelted down to the earth, making pale cream fur cling to the small femimine frame of the female. She moved at a speed, not to wise to go at in weather such a this. But grace came with ease for the female. She was pleased and glad she had gone through with some warrior training. She found it important for one such as her. She was the soul care taker of her brothers while they were out searching for their sister. She was a healer and if something happened to her, her brothers would be in trouble, or at least Anthem. She refused to leave this earth till she could a cure for him.

If one watched carefully they would notice a pattern in her path. She did not seem to move in one direct path but made large circles, at time leaping to the air. It was a dance she praticed, a dance from the anceients, of past warriors and healers. She had found her own meaning in life, her own beliefs and this was simply just part of it. A dance to thank the sky for the water it would bless the lands. Her head would tuck in, eyes closed only to toss up with eyes burning in a bright brillance. She felt invigorated, free, young and strong. Paws struck the black sand, sending it flying around her as she danced on the shore of the cove. Waves slammed into the shore in a steady thud, much like the the beating of one's heart. She came to a sliding halt, facing the waves, paws getting drench as the waves slapshed and soaking them. Head tilted back to let forth a song. Her voice carried evenly with the natural sounds of the rain storm.