
where do i belong




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-04-2020, 06:55 AM
Indy sulked quietly by himself until his father’s sudden presence was around him. Siriu wrapped him up in a hug and Indigo didn’t fight him, he sighed heavily into his father’s dark fur. He looked up to his father’s similar blue eyes as he told him that he had a job to do. The boy couldn’t help but tilt his head curiously, despite his low mood he was eager to please his father. ”Important?” He asked as Sirius released him and told him to follow.

Indigo didn’t hesitate, despite the uncertainty in life the boy craved structure and direction. He trotted after his massive father, realizing in that moment how close he was getting to his dad’s height. Especially with the growing fur along the back of his neck and scruff. Those thoughts were interrupted as he caught the glint of the winter sun on the roof of his gift. At first he didn’t understand what he was looking at, he’d seen Io’s cottage before and he was reminded of her dwelling. As Sirius led the way forward and inside the boy’s bright eyes widened in surprise.

His father’s words made his heart soar and as Aslatiel slipped in beside Sirius the young violet boy felt his grin spread more fully over his young features. He wasn’t sure that he had ever grinned so big before. Despite the cold outside it was warm inside the glass house. He already knew he wouldn’t be able to keep anything too exotic, but the heat could be held inside enough that he could get more hardy plants to grow. If he stayed inside at night surely his body heat would protect them from below freezing temperatures. He was big enough for that.

He whined softly through his unmistakable smile as he felt himself at a loss of what to say. He felt loved beyond belief, along with a relief from the depression of winter. ”Thank you.” Indy managed to squeak as his haunches fell beneath him and he felt tears of joy fill his sapphire eyes.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.