



Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-04-2020, 02:45 PM
Malalia Fatalis

How long had it been since she'd had bison? They'd hunted the creatures on the moor of her birth pack, but not yet here. She'd have to see if she could go hunting them with Mort or Sirius, maybe both. Mal nodded simply, though after Cairo had taken a bit of the haunch, she tore off her own portion. "Yeah... but I could eat."

A grin broke over her face at Cai's response. "It was... kind of, very intense?" She shrugged. "Resin and I were in the gulley west of here, hunting this buck. That went pretty smoothly, though, and we'd just sat down to eat, when we hear this roar." She bristled slightly, remembering the shock that had rippled through her. "We turn around and see this lioness creeping towards us. Mind you," she added, taking a moment to chew and swallow another bite, "I've never even fought a mountain lion at this point. ... Well, I did fight a crocodile with Sirius and Mortis, but we had a bunch our companions with us, so ... I guess I also fought this black-and-white bear thing with Resin -- but anyway—"

Point was, maybe she had some experience, but the girl was scared shitless, the memory of Cairo's stories lingering in the back of her mind. "She was after our kill, and we weren't gonna let her have it. So we meet her head to head. I knew cats had quick reflexes, but...." She shook her head, laughing at herself. "It's so different when you're actually in the thick of it. I got some claws to the thigh for that. Not fun."

She tapped her left hind paw on the floor, the healed scars partially hidden beneath her long fur. Technically she should've been taking it easy for another couple of days, at least, and she was a little sore, but she figured one hunt couldn't hurt. "Resin and I tag teamed it, and we were able to chase it away. We won." She exhaled slowly. "But man, I don't envy you. Fighting a lioness is already hard enough. Can't imagine fighting the manes."
