
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-05-2020, 09:11 AM

To say Kamilah was shocked by the stallion's bold flirtations would be an understatement, as her eyes would widen and her lips would part slightly. She had met other stallions in these lands and they both seemed to be of a refined and dignified breed but this ruby roan male seemed to be of a much more forward lineage. She couldn't say that she was offended however, as it had been quite some time since a stallion had attempted a courtship with the mare, but surprised would definitely be fitting. So caught off guard by his greeting, Kamilah was unable to find the words before he would speak again, but perhaps that was for the better. He spoke of a mare, missing and judging by his urgency, he was rather quite worried for her safety. But that seemed to slip passed the old queen, for she couldn't help the joyful feeling spreading in her chest. "A mare? Truly?" She would all but whisper, still surprised to hear of another female in these lands. Out of all the traveling Kamilah had done in search of other intelligent horses to join her future herd, she had not met a single mare. Every one of them had been stallions of one breed or another, locating them in various points around Boreas. This, was surely her luckiest day yet!

Shaking her excitement from her thoughts and focusing more on the task at hand, Kamilah would bob her head towards the ground where the dainty tracks still laid. "Apologies, I have not actually seen this mare of yours, but could these be her prints?" Though the track carried a foreign smell on them, faint as it may be, perhaps the stallion would recognize it as his lost herd member. Bringing her gaze back up to the male, she would tilt her head to the side as she carefully chose her next words. "Tell me, do you have many mare's in your charge?" She wanted to seem like she was simply a curious mare, but in reality she was dying to know the lengths of the treasure she had found. Not only had she successfully found a new stallion, but with the prospects of this missing mare, perhaps she would have hit the mother-load and found an already functioning herd to join. That would take half the work off of her plate as Kamilah worked towards building a better herd for these lands. Hardly patient for an answer, Kamilah would quickly add on; "I would be happy to help you find her, if you'd like."


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.