
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
06-05-2020, 09:34 AM
She was surprised but receptive as he shamelessly flirted with the mare, causing his lips to pull back into a dashing grin. Even more she seemed surprised that he’d mentioned another mare. Dark ears perked forward and his hooves jostled with nervous energy as she found her focus, admitting that she had not seen Acacia, but that she had found dainty little hoof prints. even without taking a smell, which he lowered his head to do anyway, he could tell these were made by his childhood friend. She was alive and he was mostly on the right path.

He shook his head of his light embarrassment as she asked about the other horses under his charge. The truth was not to his liking, but the time line was true. The number of horses, mares especially, in these lands was slim to none. Meeting this beauty here seemed like a fluke in and of itself. ”Only Acacia. She followed me from my home herd. To my father’s chagrin.” He added with a slight chuckle. ”I want to bring more fillies under my wing though, so I might take up my own herd and surname.” In the culture he came from, a stallion could not take his last name until he’d established his own herd.

He was quite receptive to her help as well. ”I could never tell you no.” Unable to stray far from his unabashed flirting. ”My name is Canyon, it’s a pleasure to meet such a lovely mare.” He lowered his head, though he was shameless he still wanted to show her the respect he held for a fellow equine and lady.
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads