
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-05-2020, 09:56 AM

So her name was Acacia. Kamilah would commit the name to her memory so their search could be more efficient, but even if they were not able to find the filly today, the sabino woman would make sure to spend every day that followed, tracking her down. One lost mare, is an entire lineage lost, so the severity of her disappearance was not lost on the strangers mind. Kamilah had been a queen dedicated to the strengthening of her herd and it all began with proper breeding and pairing. This Acacia would be a crucial member in the upcoming herd and Kamilah was determined to have her. Turning her attention back to the stallion she would simply nod her head in understanding, for while she was disappointed that there were not more of their kind hidden away somewhere, she couldn't blame the stallion. To even steal one mare from a lead stallion was surely a great feat in itself, if he were to bring any more, it would be disastrous to the very function of both groups. Even knowing this, the mare could not help the feeling of disappointment in her heart. "I see. It is important we equine band together in these lands. I have found too few and too far spread, it is unnatural and I wish to unite us all before the thriving wolf population takes us." She would ramble, her eyes drifting towards the fleeting trail left behind by this Acacia mare.

His flirtatious behavior would strike a cord once more, causing her to bring her focus back to his features, a small smile begging to tug at the corner of her lips. It was bold and untimely but Kamilah could not help the joy she took in his words. As if he wanted to get on her good side, the stallion would bow as he introduced himself, making the mare want to giggle with glee. She would simply offer a kind smile to Canyon, dipping her head in return, causing the tendrils of her mane to fall wildly over her face. "The pleasure is mine, Canyon. You may call me Kamilah." She would greet before slowly lifting her crown once more. While she wanted nothing more than to stand her and discuss with the male further, she was also itching to meet this new mare, her attention turning back to the trail and the task at hand. Bobbing her head down the path, she would grin softly to Canyon as she took a slow step in the right direction. "Shall we be off then? I'm dying to meet another lady." She would add, her honesty dripping from her lips as she moved to begin a slow trot.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.