
lady lady lovely



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
06-05-2020, 01:13 PM
The sun rose before Roan was finished with his dear wife, although at one point he was afraid he’d gone too far the pair continued on blissfully until neither could move any longer and sleep was quick to find them. The silver marked warrior wasn’t sure he had ever felt so satisfied or complete as he did that first night of their marriage. He would have slept all through the next day if he was allowed, but even with Iolaire’s careful wiggling he was awake when she pulled back the skin at the door of the den and slipped out.

The huge wolf yawned with wide jaws, his own body protesting as he stretched the sleep away. Hopefully Io wouldn’t be in a great hurry to return to the Armada. He wasn’t sure that he could make the trip after the night they had. He lay alone in the cave for a moment, missing her presence keenly as past events unfolded in his mind. He wore the hint of a grin, an expression that he felt would never leave him. He was so much more complete now.

With great effort he rolled over, feeling the heat of the cave himself. Carefully he slipped under the fur to find his maiden relaxed and watching the vastness of the landscapes below. Quietly he made his way next to her, offering a sweet nuzzle as he lowered himself to the ground beside her. Surely she felt similarly to him, and he knew he’d limped outside. ”Good morning,” he’d rumble as he aimed to steal a kiss from her sweet lips. No matter how many he got, they would never be enough. ”You can still walk,” he joked lightly. ”I did my best to prevent that.” He chuckled lightly at his own humor.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.