
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-05-2020, 01:46 PM

Lady Kamilah, it was a name she had not heard in some time, and yet it brought her right back to the very beginning, right back to her original herd. She could remember the way her friends and family spoke it, and she could remember the power it held, the way the horses would bow gracefully in her presence. It was a great achievement in her earliest years, to be born a high lady and to rise to queen, the leader of her herd and the most respected mare. It brought such pride to her heart to be called it once again, but it also shot a pang of guilt and shame. How she so desperately wanted to redeem herself, to do it better, to be better. But Kamilah would need to start with a herd if she was going to have any chance. Once Canyon agreed they were well on their way, crossing the dry lake bed with ease. Thankfully, it seemed this Acacia mare left a fairly decent trail, and Kamilah was hopeful they would find her soon. Suddenly Canyon began to speak about the mare, and the way he described the illusive creature, made her realize just how involved he was with her.

This brought several different feelings to the surface, for Kamilah adored the way he spoke of her, but the way his fear and worry for her safety rubbed roughly against her beliefs. Acacia was a horse, filly or mare, she was an equine and built for survival. If she failed at spending just a few hours away from the stallion, than the herd would be better off without such weak genetics. Trying her best to bite down on her tongue, Kamilah would shake her head roughly at the matter. "You need not worry so much. I'm sure she could manage on her own, she is a horse after all, we are built for survival." She would point out, her voice an attempt at reassuring but her beliefs were firm. Something was bothering her though, something about his worry made her curious to if there was a reason behind it. Throwing a glance in the direction of the stallion, she would add; "Unless there is something wrong with her? Is she injured? Debilitated in some way?" She would question, a single brow raised in concern. If there was something wrong, Kamilah had ever right to know, so she could be more useful in their search for the missing mare.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.