
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
06-05-2020, 02:02 PM
The sun beat down on them fiercly even through the winter as the two horses followed Acacia’s trail. He hoped further that she had just gone off for a little exploring, that they would find her any minute trying to return to their camp. What if she got spooked though? What if she grew too excited and she fell? There were so many possibilities racing through his mind that the flighty stallion jumped as Kamilah spoke back up. He hid it with a shake of his head as he trotted onwards.

She tried to comfort him, telling him that his mare would be fine. She was a horse and should have been able to see after herself, but Kamilah didn’t know the shimmering mare. On the outside she looked like the elegant equine she was, but when her emotions ran too high.. Canyon calmed himself as he would have done for Acacia, he evened his breathing and focused on his feet. Kamilah picked up on his worry though and she questioned him further, seeking everything to know about his tiny mare.

”No, nothing like that.” So far her issues had not shown themselves to be life threatening, only if it happened at the wrong time. That was why they needed to stay together, he watched over her and kept her from the white light. ”When she gets too emotional she goes down.” Usually a down horse was a dead horse, all equine knew that fact. ”That’s why I’m so worried about being away from her. If I can keep her calm, she’s perfect.” He shook his head in disgust with himself before raising his might features to the sky. He whinnied with great spirit, hoping against hope that Acacia would hear his voice and return to him.
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads