
apologies warranted



Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-05-2020, 09:48 PM
Malalia Fatalis

A brow point rose high. It's not like she disagreed with him, exactly, but the helplessness in his tone, his shrug -- she simply wasn't buying it. People were capable of changing their behavior. Still, if Azure had accepted his own 'badness' as fact, as necessary, there was little she could do to change it.

Malalia could only stare as he further insisted that any reason was reason enough, as long as he deemed it so. It didn't matter that she wasn't Resin; every wolf he came across would suffer for the older woman's actions. She sighed, turned her eyes to the plains with a flick of her ears. Let him challenge everyone he pleased, and find an army of disgruntled wolves at his throat just when he relied on them the most. He couldn't best them all.

...And a frown tugged at her lips at the scene. It seemed lackluster, and frustrating. It wasn't necessarily disappointment that washed over her, then -- rather the annoying acceptance that Azure would stick to his guns, with little regard for anyone.

Did that make him fit for the throne? Had she known of his other, unsavory inclinations, the attempts on Resin's life, the answer would've been a firm no. As it was, he simply appeared to be a mulish boy with some wayward ideas. He hadn't set out to harm anyone for the sake of it, as far as she knew. And one fight didn't determine the whole of his worthiness to lead, as petty as the reason was.

A shit reason for an adult was a shit reason for a pup, too. Younger wolves were more intelligent than people generally assumed. More importantly, she simply didn't care to tailor her conversations with either group. Mal had hoped that, as reflective as he seemed, he might at least acknowledge her reasoning. I guess that's not happening. With a shrug, she rose to stand, stretching out her back. "If you say so." With no more words for him, the fae leaned upward, and turned to leave.

--attempted exit--
