
Slave Only Dreams To Be King

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3 Years
06-05-2020, 10:39 PM

Attor had been drawn west by the distant scent of other canines. At first, she had been travelling through thick woods, but soon emerged out of the green depths, and onto the plains. She swore there was the distant sound of occasional barking, but it did not perturb her. As far as she was concerned, there had been no territory markings, therefore she was in no danger.

After a half-an hour of travelling or so, the plains ended and the sand began. She knew the ocean wasn't far.
She had missed the ocean: its salty kiss and sticky humidity. The salty air clung to her pelt, and though it was not a good feeling to have her fluff weighed down, she welcomed it nonetheless. The she-wolf padded closer to the waves, her eyes scanning the shoreline, and ears swiveling.

Her walk was calculated, and she would often stop to swivel her head in case of any threat. However, now she was standing halfway between the forest and the shore-she was sure she stuck out like a sore thumb. Her paws ached from the blistering heat of the sands, and her muscles felt weak from her prolonged walk. However alert Attor appeared, she was tired. Attor planned to head south, as she could see another large plain area that dipped into a lush forest. She assumed that would be a place she was welcome to rest her sore limbs and tired eyes.

Attor continued her calm gait all the way until the waves licked her paws. She gazed out over the sea, eyes roving over the distant islands. Her stomach grumbled, and Attor realized she was hungry.

How long had it been since she ate? She rationalized that it hadn't been long, considering she was still alert and full of energy. She decided that she would move to find something to eat after she had enjoyed the heat of the shoreline and the cool water of the sea.
Attor will curse when upset and can be a dark character under certain situations.