
Unexpected Findings



08-28-2013, 03:53 PM

Heat. Misery. Summer. All three words had one thing in common: HELL. The mere fact that she was dealing with all three at once was a pain in the ass. Maija didn't particularly care for the season that brought her womanly cycle with it. Her heat wasn't the only thing she wished never happened to her. The heat and humid atmosphere that came with her birth season made her despise the summer with every cell in her body. Why did all the crappy stuff have to happen to her?
It didn't help that she was out on her own. Ever since Rotterdam had disappeared, whereabouts unknown, her attitude towards the world had become more sour, more negative. Some would probably think that she was travelling to different regions of the large continent because she missed his company. Missed him? Pfft. As if. In her mind, she was glad that the sonofabitch was gone. It was his other half that made her heart ache with wants and desires. Dragomir had been it, the number one male that had found his way into her heart. He had worked through the layers, a little bit at a time, and when he had finally found a crack - that weakness - she had to admit that he had successfully found his way in.
Now, as she made her way around the hot and dry part of the West, she came to a forest of swaying willows. The sight of trees such as these was unusual to the female. Why would they be out here, near a desolate wasteland of deserts that were a few miles away? She shooed the questions out of her mind and immediately picked up her pace. She needed shade, and she needed it now.
Maija knew that her body wasn't built for the summer. Her fur was thick and long, but only until it stopped above her elbows. The rest of her legs had short fur all the way down, giving her solace to that she didn't have to endure the agony throughout every part of her body. Gold tainted her fur, like the color grain had after growing for a certain amount of time. The color either took in the sun's heat or dispersed it; either way, Maija was miserable. Once her pads met the cool earth beneath the gold and green willows, she sighed in relief.
For the moment, her guard was down. She didn't care if she ran into anyone, but then again, that would change as soon as someone appeared. Her nose quivered for any scents that would possibly appear. None traced their way around her, so she padded towards a shallow pool of water and began to lap up the delicious, cool liquid. At that point in time, she was -- however hard it was to believe - relieved that she had found this tiny piece of an oasis from the rush of summer heat. The breezes took away the heat that danced around her and she felt the cool touch on her skin. It was delicious, and she closed her eyes before sitting on the cool ground beneath her chosen willow.

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