
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-08-2020, 01:15 PM

Something in the way he spoke about her.. issues... had Kamilah concerned for the capability of the mare. Suddenly she was understanding why Canyon was worried with her disappearance, but that wasn't what concerned her the most. The roan lady was uncertain if these emotional downfalls were just an emotional weakness.. or if there was a disease she needed to watch out for. She had known of defective horses in the past, some were genetic abnormalities that nature simply dealt with, while others were contagious diseases that needed a more personal touch. Kamilah could flash back to such gruesome days and shuttered at the thought of having to repeat such measures. But as she cast her cerulean blue gaze towards the stallion, she saw no sign of weakness, she saw no alarming faults or defects. So perhaps.. perhaps there would be hope yet.

"I see.... well, I'm sorry, that sounds horrible." She would sigh, shaking her head in disappointment. Was it so much to ask fate to bring her a strong, healthy mare? Perhaps one who could bare foals and help bring life to these lands? But Kamilah would have to remain optimistic on the matter, reminding herself that in a single day she had the opportunity to bring together both a stallion and a mare into her growing numbers. "Perhaps, when she is around more of our kind, she will do even better." Kamilah would offer a smile, trying to be reassuring on the matter. Suddenly Canyon would release a call into the wind, causing the roan woman to flinch slightly at the sound, ears flattening onto her crown for a moment before she would turn her gaze to the terrain in front of her. Blue orbs squinted against the sun as they tried to see farther into the distance, hoping to catch a glimpse of their missing mare.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.