
Sweet, Sweet Freedom

Friendlies, please.



5 Years
Other species
06-09-2020, 08:04 AM

Spindly legs high stepped over the limp tussocks of grass. Acacia imagined that spring would be beautiful here, but the grasses seemed to be taking a break during what the rest of the world felt was winter. Still, some of them tasted good. The little mare was out on her own today. She was trying her hardest to explore and build up her confidence. On this long stretch of plain, she could at least see danger coming. Hopefully.

There were less biting insects in the cooler months of the year and so the glimmering mare was enjoying her lunch unbothered by them. Still, her long tail swished as she slowly moved along to graze. Every few bites, she would lift her head and scan the horizon. One could never be too careful. She wasn't a large horse by any means, so predator attacks were dealt with by outrunning the ones that wanted to eat her. Thankfully, her slender stature and long legs made the charcoal and snow mare extremely fast.

Blue eyes stared out over the plain, jaws working on a mouth full of sweet grass. When she swallowed, Acacia rolled her shoulders and shook out her black and grey mane. She started out at a quick walk, but soon moved into a trot, then a full out run, white tipped tail waving in the wind like a flag. With every ounce of speed in her, the little horse tore across the plain, giving herself some much needed exercise. Eventually she slowed, kicking up her heels in exhilaration. A happy little neigh pulled from her before she dropped into the grass on her side, rolling around on her back with hooves lashing about in the air. The grasses smelled so nice. She wouldn't mind smelling like them. Natural perfume. Rolling about, the mare's weight trampled down a rather large circle in the field. Back on her feet once more, Acacia snorted and took yet another look out over the horizon.


-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
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