
Among Clashing Tides


08-28-2013, 05:05 PM

It seemed that the man was happy that she thanked him for his words, he should be and she appreciated it. And him adding 'very proud' only made her smile even more, here she was with a man she just met her he was already thinking she was admirable because of her hopes for the future and even telling her that her father would be very proud of her. It felt great.

And there it was, Taurig sighed at her question. Seraphine understood how he might feel but she wanted to let him know of the potential war, see if they would be prepared if one did happen. Ears would perk up though, listening closely. He informed her that he wasn't sure in the pack as a whole, they had mostly females and most didn't have prior training in battle. So, they would be in trouble, that wasn't good. Out of their pack he only listed him and two others who could hold their ground, but that was only three wolves, they wouldn't stand a chance. They got a male recently and Argent was training their females, but he didn't think they were prepared for war.

She would sigh at this news, lifting a paw to rub it against her head. She was hoping to hear that at least half of them knew how to fight and protect themselves, this wasn't good. What made it worse was that he didn't know if they had any allies, they would be severely outnumbered. What was good news however was him talking about how he thought his fathers actions were ridiculous, but he did swear his loyalty to him, that he was a man of his word. Seraphine lowered her paw back to the earth, meeting his gaze when he paused.

What he said next came as a surprise, not entirely because of how he spoke and acted so far, but it still was. He wanted her to find safety, stay away from the heat of battle and take her father with. Ears would fold back at this, listening as he went on to say he would hate to have to take out any of harm his father, and apologized, hoping this wouldn't come to war. He then went on about Valhalla, saying how based off of her he thought he would be an ally with if he had been King. When he went on to talk about ill feelings towards him for harming one of her pack mates, he explained it wasn't out of anger, just following orders.

"Thank you for the concern Taur, but I will be there when the challenge takes place. I want to see what happens, and will stay a safe distance away. If it does escalate into war I will be sure to tell my father, but we wouldn't leave until the children are safe first..." Her voice was soft as she spoke, thanking him for thinking about her safety but also letting him know they wouldn't abandon any children. "As for ill feelings, I won't upset if you harmed my pack-mates, much will be expected from you as the King's son. You will still be a friend of mine." She flashed a smile, trying to lighten the mood. The girl hoped he would be her friend, he was nice and seemed like a great guy to hang around, and she didn't want them to have too dislike each other because of their leader's actions.


Awesome image by Trynx <3