
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-10-2020, 08:20 AM

It was warmer here, closer to the brisk chill of early spring than the depths of winter. It made sense of course, Askan knew that the further south he travelled the milder the climate would get, but it was just a little odd to experience it himself. To see the land transition from a mountainous snowy hell to a slushy, mud ridden dry lake. He stood atop a rocky outcrop over looking the lake with his nose wrinkled and eyes narrowed in a pensive squint. Honestly, it stank. The mud was thick, all churned up, with shallow puddles of water gathered in the centre of the lake, where it was at its deepest. He was thirsty, his throat dry and parched but did he really want to stoop so low as to drink from a puddle? Ugh.

Clambering down from the rock, Askan gritted his teeth as took the first step into the mud. His ears flicked back at the nasty, squelchy sound of his footfalls. Squish squish squish. It wasn't that deep, nor was he even struggling to move along but in moments like this he wished he had longer legs. Not only would he be able to get around faster but he'd be more physically imposing too, instead of being average at best and twerpy at worst. But unless he had a random and highly unlikely growth spurt there was nothing he could do about that, he supposed.

Soon enough he reached the largest of the puddles, it was oblong shaped, knee deep and cleaner than he'd expected. His reflection rippled on the waters surface as he stared down at himself, his handsome features marred by the ever present scowl on his face. He looked about as happy as he felt, which is to say that he felt like shit. No surprise there really, it had been a long while since he'd felt good, or even whole, and he was starting to forget what it felt like. Perhaps this was his punishment; cursed to constantly taste the bitter tinge of self loathing in the back of his throat day in day out till he took his last breath.

Yeah, whatever. Since when had he been that melodramatic? Sheesh.

[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]