
Seven days in the sun



5 Years
Other species
06-10-2020, 01:24 PM

The day was surprisingly warm. Acacia felt as though winter was losing its grip on the world. Although in this part of the land, it was always rather warm. The partially dry, partially mucky lake bed attested to that. Long legs picked their way through the mud as she made her way to the clearest of pools for a much needed drink. Much to her surprise, there was already someone there. A wolf. Panic surged through the young mare and her metallic pelt twitched. Her tail arched high and she fought the urge to flee. She had to remind herself that she was trying to be braver, but Acacia could feel her heart hammering in her chest.

Logically, she could outrun this wolf. Its shorter legs would prevent speed in the mud. She just had to keep telling herself that she would be safe. She could flee and return to Canyon's side. Oh... but she was thirsty. There were other puddles, but they were just that. Murky little puddles. Here at the center was the only real place to take a good, long drink. Shaking out her make and her worries, the small mare started hesitantly forward. She called out in her sweet, dulcet tones. "Excuse me... would you mind if I came to drink as well?" By posing her question, she could gauge whether or not the wolf was a threat to her. Was its nature aggressive? Mismatched ears flicked forward as she waited for an answer.

Canyon had warned her not to venture too far from him. He had worried previously when she had wandered off and had been in a right panic as he came to find her. She had been fine, of course. Since then, he demanded that she tell him where she was going before she left, so, this morning before she ventured out into the world, she had told him that she was going to the dry lake. If anything happened to her, Canyon would know where to find her. Anxiety ridden as she was and with as weak of a heart, the stallion had found her prone and unconscious more than once in their lifetime.


-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
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