
Love You Long Time



10 Years
08-28-2013, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2013, 05:47 PM by Ara.)
For a moment she was confused, wondering why Novel -- the girl who was as tiny as her, with creamy fur and blue eyes -- was calling her mother grandma. Did it make them related? Her mind whirled, struggling to make the connection. If this girl was his own mom's grandchild ... then it meant the bigger lady that had approached was her mom's daughter? Were they sisters? Silent and Bronze had told them they had siblings, one who were grown up with families of their own, ones they might never meet. Maybe this lady was one of them! Her blue eyes were brimming with wonder and curiosity. Her own mom even called the girl her granddaughter!

Silent gently applauded her catch, and she smiled happily, tail wagging behind her. "I wanna bring it ta daddy," she whispered, hoping he would like the gift. The naive little pup had no idea that willow trees were not all that rare, but it had felt like they had surely walked across the entire world! Not literally, but it had seemed so far to her...

She was glad when she was introduced to the wolves-- Novel, and her mom, Song ... and another boy who she hadn't been introduced to. A gentle smile was offered, dipping her head in a polite greeting like she'd seen her parents give to other wolves. Her attention was drawn to Novel, since she'd never met any other pups her age except for her siblings. Little did she know that she'd been born alongside her. Her attention shifted though to the boy, with the black fur. The one who had nearly stumbled into her brother Faolan. Ara was simply glad that he hadn't ran into her ... she wasn't exactly fond of rough-housing like Faolan seemed to be.

The lady called Song drew her attention to the two girls, who had been watching each other with interest. She suggested they play. Slowly she drew herself upright onto all fours, padding away from her mother slowly. 'Wanna play tag?' the girl inquired, and she nodded quietly. "Okay, if you can teach me?" Her lyrics were quiet and -- quite truthfully -- barely audible. Ara wracked her mind, wondering if she knew how to play... but she figured she hadn't paid much attention to it, if it was something her siblings had played.