
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-12-2020, 10:22 AM

So she was a horse? The name didn't ring any bells but Askan supposed it was fitting enough, better than any title he could have come up with anyway. She then went onto introduce herself properly, all demure and shy, and Askan briefly wondered if all horses were like this. Was it because he was a wolf? The way she was eyeing him certainly suggested so, but could he really blame her? He was hardly the friendly sort and that probably didn't sit well with her, like he could lash out at any moment for no reason. Not that he would of course. Askan was rude, for sure, but he wasn't a cruel man. He'd say mean things in the heat of the moment, when his temper was blazing but more often than not he would realised he'd overdone it when his rage fizzled out. It was hard for him to admit his faults, to apologise when he was in the wrong but he would do so if he had to, with clenched teeth and sagging shoulders.

"Askan Selwyn" He then supplied his own name, thinking it was the least he could do.

Finally Askan bowed down and had a drink too. He lapped he water up with inelegant flicks of his tongue and with slight surprise noted just how cool and refreshing it was. Then would have been a good moment to realise that it wasn't wise to jump to snap conclusions, that he shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but of course in stubborn Selwyn fashion he let the chance fly by as he pulled himself up right and licked the water from his lips.

Acacia then asked him another question and Askan shot her a sharp look.

"You've got a nose don't you?"

He certainly didn't smell like a pack wolf, but he supposed that a horse might not have the same sort of intuition that wolves did. For all he knew her sense of smell wasn't as sharp or a keen as his own, so he couldn't really blame her for not knowing any better. Fine. With a slight huff, as if this was all such a bother, Askan continued.

"Think there's one nearby, that way." He gestured east with a flick of his snout. "I'm not from any of the packs around here though, I only know what I've been told. What about you, do horses just wander about on their own?" Seemed a bit risky, giving how flighty she seemed.

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