
Starring role



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-13-2020, 02:08 PM

With its claws swiping at the air Askan couldn't even get close to the cat, let alone land a hit. He tried dipping low, weaving to the side to grab a hold of a leg, only for the cat to ward him off with a slash that barely missed ripping his face to shreds. It was becoming increasingly apparent that fighting the cat head on just wasn't an option. Thus far he'd managed to avoid getting hit but he had a feeling that the cat was wising up to his antics, that if he tried to grab a hold of one of it's legs again it wouldn't end well for him. But at the same time he noted that the cat wasn't pressing the attack either, it was simply holding him at bay, making a big huff and puff about it too. The Selwyn had a suspicion that the cat was unfamiliar with wolves, or at the very least it had never fought one before. It didn't know what he was capable of and as such was being cautious; playing it safe and simply warding him off, waiting for Askan to make a mistake.

Well now that Askan knew the rules of play the ball was in his court.

He darted forward, tail arched high and teeth bared in a very showy, convincing bluff charge. The cat stumbled back, intending to give itself more space- only for it to yowl in surprise. as it backed into something. Askan's steps faltered and he stumbled to a stop, eyes wide and hackles falling. Before he could even figure out what had happened the cat whipped around, clawing at the newcomer with renewed fury, as though they'd be it's opponent all along. To hell with that.

Askan rushed forward once again, seizing the opportunity with jaws opened wide. Colliding with the cat, he clamped down on the back of the it's neck, hard, and shook his head in manic, rough motions. Ripping and tearing and generally holding on as tight as he could.

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