
Seven days in the sun



5 Years
Other species
06-15-2020, 07:21 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2020, 07:25 AM by Acacia.)

Askan really had Acacia frazzled with his disposition and she wondered if all wolves were like this. He was brusque and moody and seemed to find fault in her words. As he spoke of  her achievement, she wasn't sure if he was complimenting her or insulting her. The glimmering mare frowned harder, mismatched ears turning out to the sides for but a moment. She was so, so confused.

A loud sound came from the edge of the lake and Acacia visibly flinched, head turning so quickly to look in that direction that her long mane flew in the wind. For days now she had heard the telltale lowing and wailing of a puma. She was beginning to get the idea that perhaps it was tracking her. Could it smell her anxiety? Did it think she was an easy target? Suddenly, she craved Canyon's presence. A shudder went through the mare's metallic pelt and she suddenly decided that she'd had enough to drink. There was more water at the oasis where she was to meet with her friend and guardian.

As if by reflex, Acacia had moved to place Askan between herself and the far off call of the big cat. There was no worry about it approaching without being seen and so the wolf was in no immediate danger. It was just something that she was used to doing with Canyon. Big blue eyes, heavily lashed, still locked on the horizon. "Have you ever had a run in with a puma?" She sought to make idle conversation, though she was genuinely curious. Perhaps he had some information that she could help her stay away from them. Within her chest, her heart thumped heavily. Looked like she wasn't yet as brave as she'd like to be.


-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
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