
Great days



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-15-2020, 03:41 PM

Askan heard the soft footfalls of a stranger approaching but made no move to get up or address them. The only sign that he'd noticed their presence at all was the slight twitch of his ears, the tensing of his shoulders as he sat up a little straighter, more proper. He figured that if they wanted something they'd make the first move and sure enough a moment or so later the soft tilt of a womanly voice reached his ears.

Was she intruding? Not really, but that didn't mean that he wanted her there either. For a moment he was tempted to get all territorial, to huff and snarl and claim the sunset all for himself, but even Askan recognised how unwarranted such a reaction would be. Besides, for once he didn't actually feel like shit. Maybe the intensity of the setting sun was warming his frozen heart? Or something equally as dramatic and cliche as that. Askan snorted at the thought.

"Not really." His words weren't quite as sharp as they usually were, but he wasn't exactly rolling out the welcoming mat either. "Why?"

Surely she'd sought him out for a reason, cause he couldn't figure out why else she would've climbed the slope. It was only then he took a moment to look at her , to take in her features and come to the conclusion that she wasn't the strangest looking wolf he'd seen. The tail marking and mismatched eyes were certainly out of the ordinary, he would have never seen a wolf like her back home, but the rules he used to live by clearly didn't apply here. A fact that still bothered him, regardless of how much he liked to pretend otherwise.

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