
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-28-2013, 08:27 PM

As Erani listened to the healers? replies and listing of what they knew and wanted to add to their knowledge, she made notes, ticking them off. Imena was as Cormalin had said, needing to learn more advanced things in Healing, and she would need to learn things that were outside the Denmother?s Craft. She nodded at Rayne?s reply, smiling gently. She could see Rayne caring for pups, better than she could see her rushing into a battle on the field to care for a wounded warrior. The attack on her had wounded something inside, and courage would find its way back eventually, but a Denmother?s duties would bring some of that courage back. After all, what fool would attack a healer who guarded pups? No one intelligent. She nodded to Rayne, eyes twinkling softly in approval.

Friction seemed to be more skilled, just rusty. Perhaps he could take a place at her side as Male Lead Healer? Once the dust was brushed from his skills and she knew what he could do. ?I can teach you where things are, and there was a game my mother taught me to help my memory. A previous student, Preston, even turned the game about a little to suit him better.? A fleeting frown flickered across her face as she thought of the boy she had considered a son. Soon after her demotion and his rise to her place, Preston, adopted son of Cairo, had vanished, leaving her with only Rayne and Soleil, and unable to continue Rayne?s teaching, and Soleil had been ill, though recovering slowly at the time. There had been her very own pups as well, so the demotion had been somewhat of a chance to take a break and enjoy her children and mate for a while. But Preston had been gone when Ookami, Thane?s mate, had gone into labor, and could possibly have died due to the heavy bleeding that had come with the birthing, if Erani hadn?t kicked sand in her demotion?s face and done her duty as a healer at heart.

Her eyes turned to Cael. He had gone first of the three, and she had thought over his words. He wanted to learn very useful things, and out of them all, he was most specific in what he wanted to learn. She smiled. ?Who taught you? From what your father said, Amber was a skilled healer. Was it her?? She wished she could have met the female.

Straightening, she addressed them all. ?Now that I have a slight view on what you all know, I want to address combat skills. In my birth pack, Redwood Pack, Healers were trained in combat just as rigorously as warriors. This was essential, because we were at war with a neighboring pack. Healers needed to be able to protect themselves when accompanying a war party to a border skirmish. We were a large enough pack, but even a large pack can be weakened. I hadn?t thought of this until recently, when Rayne was attacked by a stranger while out gathering. That drove home where my training had been lacking. Cormalin and I spoke it over with Chrysanthe, and she agreed that the healers will undergo the same training. I imagine that the next Meeting, partners may be chosen for each of you to spar with. We?ll see. If they are not, Cormalin will assign partners to you. Do you agree to this?? Deep blue pools swept over the healers, waiting for an answer from them.