
The small print



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
06-17-2020, 05:20 PM

Lirim?Askan pursed his lips, deep in thought. That name didn't ring a single bell, meaning that Sirius hadn't mentioned all the packs of Boreas. It made sense of course, but at least now he knew better, that there was more out there then he'd first assumed. Askan couldn't help but wonder whether the packs here were weird too. After all, the wolves here were unlike anything he'd seen back home, so why wouldn't their packs follow the same rule? It wasn't as though he resented their strangeness, it was more that his sheltered upbringing had instilled in him a very strong, unyielding, sense of this is how stuff is meant to be.  Askan wasn't against change, he just needed some time to adapt, that's all.

The woman then claimed that she was an Armigeri, like that was supposed to mean something to him. From the context he guessed it was a rank, a title that was of some importance in her pack otherwise she wouldn't have waved it around in his face like he was supposed to be impressed. Hmph.Was he a wanderer though? Well...he guessed so? He did wander around a lot these days but he wouldn't refer to himself as such, it felt too whimsical, like he'd packed his things and headed off on a journey to find himself. As if he didn't know himself well enough by now.

"I don't run with a pack, if that's what you mean." He said, deliberately being obtuse. "Askan Selwyn." He then introduced himself, sparing her of the usual formalities. "Tell me about Lirim." He'd never heard of the pack before so it was only natural that he was curious.

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